April 25, 2022
Travel Day
The prospects for storms on the Plains diminished as the week's trough shifted east, and only general thunderstorms were expected in south parts of Texas followed by mostly fair weather the following day. With this two-day break in chasing, we decided to take a tour through the Big Bend region. Our target for the day was Presidio, Texas, which was right on the Mexican border. We found rooms at the Three Palms Inn, a local, family-run place. We would be able to take it easy, do some laundry, and make plans for the next day's tour through the Big Bend region. The skies were mostly clear, so we also attempted to take a couple night sky pictures.
The SPC 1630 Day 1 Outlook. |
The SPC 1630 Day 1 Tornado Outlook. |
Night sky near Shafter, Texas. |
Our traveled route for the day. |
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