Guernsey, WY Area
May 16, 2000

Chase Summary

Scott Woelm and I left Hays, KS in the late morning and drove to our target area of Sidney, NE. This area was capped, so we targeted cells farther NW. Finally, we intercepted a storm near Fort Laramie, WY. When we passed the town of Lingle, looking northwest, we saw some ragged features on the southwestern flank of the storm. We did not notice the funnel hiding in the ragged scud:


See if you can find it in the picture (above)! Some of the ragged features later cleared away so that we could recognize a funnel, but a train came by just at that time and obscured the item from our view.


Apparently, this had been a larger cone-shaped tornado earlier, but it was most likely very weak either way. Later, we got under the updraft base of the storm near sunset. Here are some additional photos:




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